All Published Articles
- 03/04/25 - Smoking Weed in Thailand: The Legal Hangover Malaysians Could Face at Home
- 03/04/25 - The King Can Do No Wrong?: An Overview of Proceedings in the Special Court of Malaysia Against the Monarchs of Malaysia
- 02/13/25 - Setting Aside an Adjudication Decision under Section 15(b) of CIPAA 2012
- 02/13/25 - The Joint Petition Process: A Quick Snapshot
- 10/23/24 - Can I just Spill the Beans on my Employer’s Trade Secrets? (Part 1)
- 10/23/24 - The Beneficial Ownership Regime Under The Limited Liability Partnerships (Amendment) Bill, 2024
- 10/23/24 - Driving Without a License: What are your potential liabilities?
- 10/23/24 - Can a Management Corporation or Joint Management Body Commence Judicial Review Proceedings?
- 10/23/24 - Marital Agreements In Malaysia: Are They Valid?
- 10/23/24 - Trademark Opposition 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Brand
- 10/23/24 - Setting Aside an Adjudication Decision under Section 15(a) of CIPAA 2012
- 04/22/24 - 3 Basic Things You Need to Know About Your CIPAA Claims
- 04/22/24 - “Dirty money” from Drugs - Forfeiture of Property under the Dangerous Drugs (Forfeiture of Property) Act 1988
- 04/22/24 - See you in Court! Do I really need to?: A guide on alternatives to Court
- 04/22/24 - Planning Law 101: 3 Things You Need To Know
- 04/22/24 - Corporate Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) Requirements for Implementation
- 04/22/24 - The fine line between fiduciaries and employees
- 04/22/24 - A Mere Comfort to Those Relying on it: The Fate of Powers of Attorney in Sabah
- 04/22/24 - Are Your Doctors Telling You The Truth? – Let’s Talk About Disclosure of Medical Errors
- 04/22/24 - 101 on Financial Statements & Reports
- 04/22/24 - Maintenance Matters: How Much Do I Have To Pay?
- 04/22/24 - Time-Barred? But I was Defrauded! - Commencing Action for Fraud Past Limitation
- 03/23/24 - Will your thumbs-up (👍) emoji get you sued?
- 03/23/24 - Ad Interim Injunction: Stop What You're Doing!
- 03/23/24 - Stay of Proceedings for Arbitration: Application and Chances for it to be Dismissed
- 03/23/24 - Company's Winding Up: Functions of a Liquidator (1)
- 03/23/24 - Company's Winding Up: Functions of a Liquidator (2)
- 03/23/24 - Journey Beyond Borders: Restriction of Immunity from Jurisdiction
- 03/23/24 - Expert Evidence In Medical Negligence
- 03/22/24 - Calling the Forgery Experts: A Guide to Handling Forensic Document Examiners in Civil Litigation
- 01/06/24 - Construction Law 101: A Brief Overview
- 01/06/24 - Protection Of Assets: Playing Your Cards Right As A High-Risk Individual
- 01/06/24 - Unveiling The Power Of Statutory Injunctions Under Section 351 Of The Companies Act 2016
- 01/06/24 - 家族纷争:家族企业中的压迫
- 01/06/24 - Ganging Up Incorporated: Oppression in a Group Company
- 01/06/24 - 101 on Assignment and Novation Agreements
- 01/06/24 - Arbitration Agreement - What to Include in an Arbitration Clause
- 01/06/24 - Appointment of Interim Liquidator - A 101
- 01/05/24 - What Company Documents Are Available for Inspection and What Is The Procedure For Said Inspection
- 01/05/24 - Children Below 7: Who Gets Custody in a Divorce?
- 01/05/24 - The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 – Reporting Beneficial Ownership
- 01/05/24 - Across the Commonwealth: The Rise of the Evidential Approach in Resulting Trust and the High Court of Australia Case of Bosanac v Commissioner of Taxation and Another (2022) 405 ALR 424
- 01/05/24 - Non-Disclosure Agreements: A Quick Guide
- 11/03/23 - The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 – Upcoming Amendments to the Judicial Management Regime
- 11/03/23 - The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 - Upcoming Amendments to the Scheme of Arrangements Regime
- 10/31/23 - Across the Commonwealth: A Modern Review of Proprietary Estoppel and the Malaysian Context
- 10/31/23 - How The Insolvency Act, 1967 Got A Makeover: A Brief Analysis On The Insolvency (Amendment) Act, 2023 And Its Implications
- 10/25/23 - Judgments in Default of Appearance: A Comprehensive Guide for Non-Appearing Defendants
- 10/25/23 - Power to the Political Parties: An Overview of the current Legal Developments Affecting Elected Representatives Post-GE15
- 10/25/23 - Land Acquisition: The Right to Participate in Land Reference Proceedings
- 10/25/23 - Enforceability of Non-Compete Clauses in Employment Contracts
- 06/24/23 - Not Quite Ready: Why Artificial Intelligence Can’t Beat Human Lawyers (Yet)
- 06/23/23 - Chill, Don’t Spill: Freeze Your Digital Assets, Master the Thrill!
- 06/23/23 - Protecting Your Interests in Friendly Loan Agreements (Part 1)
- 06/23/23 - Unconventional Partnerships: Limited Liability Partnerships
- 06/23/23 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms in Malaysia: Part 3 – The Effect of Judicial Management Order (JMO)
- 06/23/23 - Restraining Orders Pursuant to Section 368 of the Companies Act 2016: Breathing Room for Financially Distressed Companies
- 06/23/23 - Assignment of Debt – What You Need to Know
- 04/11/23 - Help! Someone is using my brand name without my consent!
- 04/11/23 - Preventing Threats: A Brief Guide on Quia Timet Injunctions
- 04/11/23 - How to Manage Poor-Performing Employees?
- 04/11/23 - Diluting the Soup: Exercise to Increase Share Capital in the Context of Oppression under S346 of the Companies Act 2016?
- 04/11/23 - Rights Of Creditors In A Scheme Of Arrangement
- 04/11/23 - Insider Trading (Part 1) – General Introduction
- 04/11/23 - Can You Sue a Person for Defamation over Insults?
- 02/17/23 - 'I Didn't Tamper with My Meter! My Tenant Did!': The Laws on Meter Tampering (Part 2)
- 02/17/23 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms in Malaysia: Part 2 - What is a Judicial Management Order?
- 02/17/23 - Facing Winding-Up Petitions Filed for Collateral Purposes or to Exert Undue Pressure
- 02/17/23 - Serba Dinamik – Auditors and Reporting Irregularities (Part 2)
- 02/17/23 - Pushing the Limit on Limitation (Part 2)
- 02/17/23 - Mareva Injunctions: Do “Assets within the Jurisdiction” Include a Judgment Sum?
- 02/17/23 - Your Data is My Data? – Data Protection in an ‘onlife’ era
- 02/17/23 - A bankrupt no more (Part 3) - Discharge of Bankruptcy Order
- 11/07/22 - Key Amendments to the Employment Act 1955
- 11/07/22 - Beauty Should Not Be Painful: The Duty of Care Owed by Beauty Salons
- 11/07/22 - 'I Didn't Tamper with My Meter! My Tenant Did!': The Laws on Meter Tampering
- 11/07/22 - No More Appeals in Certain Interlocutory Proceedings: Latest Amendments to the Courts of Judicature Act 1964
- 11/07/22 - Legal Update: Court of Appeal affirms that the Court May Order a Conditional Winding-Up (The Case of Prolink Marketing Sdn Bhd v AmBank Islamic Berhad)
- 11/07/22 - 'I Object!': The Law Surrounding Marriage Caveats in Malaysia
- 10/13/22 - Court of Appeal Decision on the Tests for the Appointment of Judicial Managers and Abuse of the Judicial Management Process
- 09/08/22 - 3 Things To Consider Before Challenging a Tax Assessment
- 09/08/22 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms in Malaysia: Part 1 - What is a Judicial Management Order?
- 09/08/22 - How to Protect the Purchaser’s Interests in a Land Transaction (Part I)
- 09/08/22 - Claiming for Losses Caused to the Company By a Director in Breach of Their Duty
- 09/08/22 - Unfair Dismissal Claims: What are the Available Reliefs?
- 09/08/22 - A Bankrupt No More (Part 2) - Discharge of a Bankruptcy Order
- 09/08/22 - 10 Key Considerations When Drafting a Settlement Agreement
- 06/29/22 - Secret Beneficiaries and their rights (Part 2) – Drafting a Will and what to look out for
- 06/29/22 - CIPAA: Resolving Construction Payment Disputes Expeditiously
- 06/29/22 - Defamation: Are You Liable for Another Person Comment?
- 06/29/22 - A bankrupt no more (Part 1) - Discharge of Bankruptcy Order
- 06/29/22 - Profit Guarantee Clauses: What You Need to Know
- 06/29/22 - What you need to know before signing a lease or tenancy agreement
- 06/29/22 - Unfair Dismissal: What Can You Do?
- 04/25/22 - Unconscionability: Leave my Performance Bond Out of This
- 04/25/22 - Networking Breakfast with Winning Team of Malaysian National Rounds, Jessup Moot Court Competition 2022
- 04/25/22 - Terminating an Employee on Medical Grounds
- 04/25/22 - Reliance on Post-Dismissal Reasons and/or Events as Justification for the Dismissal of an Employee
- 04/25/22 - JUST IN: Another Step Taken Towards Gender Equality
- 04/25/22 - Summary Judgment: A faster route to recover your debt?
- 04/25/22 - Case Update: The Validity of an Extension of Time for the Delivery of Vacant Possession by a Minister
- 04/25/22 - The Right To an Advocate and Solicitor Of One’s Choice
- 04/25/22 - Revenge Porn: What Do You Do When Your Personal Pictures Have Been Leaked?
- 02/28/22 - Secret Beneficiaries and their Rights (Part 1)
- 02/24/22 - Serba Dinamik – Auditors and Reporting Irregularities
- 02/24/22 - How Can Companies Amend their Constitution?
- 02/24/22 - Is Corroboration of Evidence a Legal Requirement in a Sexual Harassment Claim?
- 02/24/22 - What does the Non-Compete Clause in your Contract mean? PART 2
- 02/24/22 - What does the Non-Compete Clause in your Contract mean? PART 1
- 02/24/22 - Mutual separation agreements: to sign or not to sign?
- 02/24/22 - The Law on Security from an Arbitral Award pending a Setting Aside Application under the Section 37(7) Arbitration Act Regime
- 02/24/22 - Warranties in a Share Sale Agreement
- 11/01/21 - Protection of Parties in the Transfer of Goods
- 11/01/21 - Oppression Action - Remedy for Oppressed Shareholders
- 11/01/21 - Top 5 Things To Know About The Personal Data Protection Act 2010
- 11/01/21 - Shareholders’ Rights in Annual General Meetings
- 11/01/21 - Employment Law Legal Update: No Longer A Requirement To Plead Reinstatement
- 10/05/21 - Creditor’s Voluntary Winding-Up: When There is No Majority in Number and Value
- 10/03/21 - A Person’s Right as a Patient
- 10/03/21 - Freezing the Frozen? Having both Mareva and AMLA “Freezing Orders” in Securities Commission v Lee Kee Sien, Albert & Ors [2009] 8 CLJ 70, HC
- 10/03/21 - Tips for Construction Contractors: Best Practices in Document Management
- 10/03/21 - When Do You Need Shareholders’ Approval?
- 10/03/21 - 5 Important Issues To Consider When Attempting to Recover a Debt
- 09/22/21 - UNDI18: Delays in Registration of Young Voters – Victorious Action against the Government and Prime Minister
- 09/13/21 - Those Who Assert Must Prove: Testifying in a Defamation Suit
- 09/07/21 - Liquidated Ascertained Damages
- 09/07/21 - Strings Attached (2): Testamentary Trust in your Will
- 09/07/21 - Strings Attached (1): Conditional Gifts in your Will
- 09/07/21 - Commercial and Common Sense: Federal Court Clarifies the Approach in Determining Whether a Contract Contravened the Law
- 09/07/21 - Venting in a Police Report – Are you covered by absolute privilege?
- 09/07/21 - To Be or Not To Be (this Client’s Lawyers)
- 08/03/21 - Strings Attached – Conditional Gifts Vs Testamentary Trusts
- 08/03/21 - Digitalization of Thomas Philip Communal Library
- 08/03/21 - One Clause to Rule Them All – the Entire Agreement Clause
- 08/03/21 - Defamation: The Separation of Responsible Journalism and Reportage in Malaysiakini v Raub Australian Gold Mining
- 08/02/21 - The Standard of Care in Medical Negligence Cases: What Had Led To Where We Are Now?
- 08/02/21 - Impact of Covid-19 on Payment of Charges in A Strata Property
- 08/02/21 - Varying a Contractual Term in the Face of an Anti-Oral Variation Clause
- 07/14/21 - Unjust Enrichment – Keeping What’s Not Yours
- 07/05/21 - A Mission for the Younger Generation of Sarawakian Bumiputera
- 07/05/21 - Three Lessons from the Illegitimate Child’s Citizenship Case
- 07/05/21 - A Digital Law Firm in the Making
- 07/05/21 - Incorporation of a Private Company (Sdn Bhd) in Malaysia
- 07/05/21 - The “Battle of Forms”
- 07/05/21 - See Leong Chye v United Overseas Bank – On Indefeasibility and Implied Terms
- 07/05/21 - Judicial Review: Are you ‘adversely affected’ by the public authorities’ decision?
- 07/05/21 - Can I still go to court, when my contract contains an arbitration clause? (Part 1 - When the “dispute” is not a dispute )
- 07/05/21 - When is My Last Day to Sue in A Midnight Hour Case?
- 07/05/21 - Scams – Does your bank owe you a duty to warn you about potential scammers?
- 06/01/21 - Litigation Funding in Malaysia
- 05/28/21 - Going Off The Rails? – Potential Negligence of Rail Companies
- 05/27/21 - Photolog: Kg. Tinanom Electrification Project A Success!
- 05/27/21 - Lifting the Shroud over the Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Federal Court Decision of Ong Leong Chiou & Anor v Keller (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors
- 05/27/21 - Judicial Review: Redress Against Wrongly Acted Public Authorities
- 05/27/21 - Surviving Another Lockdown: The Extension of COVID-19 Act
- 05/27/21 - Directors and Third Parties can now be made Personally Liable in Oppression Actions: How the law on Oppression has Changed in Auspicious Journey Sdn Bhd v Ebony Ritz & 5 Ors (Civil Appeal No.: 02(f)-53-06/2019(W)), FC
- 05/27/21 - What Can I Do If My Lawyer Is Not Delivering Satisfactorily?
- 05/27/21 - Hak Pengguna dalam Kes Kerosakan Meter Elektrik (Bahagian 2)
- 05/27/21 - Secret Trusts in Malaysia
- 05/27/21 - Recent Development: Calculation of Liquidated Ascertained Damages for the Late Delivery of Vacant Possession
- 05/03/21 - The Importance of AR Cards When Serving Documents via AR Registered Post
- 05/03/21 - Probate 101 (Part 3): What Can You Do If Your Executor Is Not Doing His Job?
- 05/03/21 - Probate 101 (Part 2): Executor’s Breach of Fiduciary Duties
- 05/03/21 - Surrender My Shares? Over My Dead (Corporate) Body!
- 05/03/21 - To Show Cause or Not to Show Cause: Deciphering Order 52 Rule 2B of the Rules of Court 2012 and its position in the Law of Contempt of Court
- 04/29/21 - Defamation: Restraining False Publications Online
- 04/28/21 - Bringing Light to Kampung Tinanom in Ranau, Sabah
- 04/28/21 - Labour Day: Are Lawyers Entitled to the Public Holiday?
- 04/27/21 - Think Twice Before Lending Money
- 04/13/21 - Hak Pengguna dalam Kes Kerosakan Meter Elektrik (Bahagian 1)
- 04/10/21 - Copyright Infringement: The Case of Alustil Sdn Bhd v Vitally Sdn Bhd
- 04/08/21 - Damages for Tort of Conversion in Malaysia
- 04/06/21 - Where’s the Parte? – The Federal Court Decision of Mansion Properties Sdn Bhd v Sham Chin Yen & Others
- 04/01/21 - Legal Alert: Winding Up Threshold Increased to RM50,000.00
- 04/01/21 - The Journey of the Mongolian Women’s Fight for Justice
- 03/31/21 - Bounced Cheques: What are the Legal Ramifications and Legal Recourse Available?
- 03/30/21 - “When Will My Reflection Show Who I am Inside?”- Reflective Loss in a Shareholder Context
- 03/27/21 - Probate 101 (Part 1): Executor’s Duties
- 03/23/21 - What You Need To Know As A Home Buyer When Purchasing Property From Housing Developers
- 03/20/21 - The Rise of Sports Law
- 03/18/21 - Stopping a Disputed Winding Up – Fortuna Injunctions
- 03/16/21 - Scheme of Arrangement: Classifying Creditors
- 03/13/21 - Making the Case for a Pre-Action Protocol in Malaysian Civil Litigation
- 03/11/21 - Directors and Third Parties can now be made Personally Liable in Oppression Actions: How the law on Oppression has Changed in Auspicious Journey Sdn Bhd v Ebony Ritz & 5 Ors
- 03/09/21 - The Screams from the Other Side: The Oppressed Majority
- 03/06/21 - Is Proclamation of Emergency the Death of Commercial Contracts?
- 03/04/21 - Surviving Another Lockdown: The Extension of COVID-19 Act Until 31st March 2021
- 03/03/21 - Contempt of Court: The Malaysiakini Decision
- 03/02/21 - Disputes In A World Of Consumerism: Tribunal For Consumer Claims
- 02/23/21 - Sexual Harassment: Duty Of Employers, Policies & Legal Recourse For Employees
- 02/20/21 - Damages to Punish the Perpetrator – Conditions for Claiming of Exemplary Damages
- 02/18/21 - Stay of Proceedings under Arbitration Act for A Judgment In Default
- 02/13/21 - The Benefits of Filing a Police Report for Cases on Fraud
- 02/09/21 - Small Claims: No Lawyers Needed!
- 02/06/21 - Reputational War: Defending Oneself Against Defamation
- 01/31/21 - The Taman Rimba Kiara Case: The Soul of a Park, The Spirit of The People and The Role of The Public Law
- 01/28/21 - Restraint of Trade Clauses in Employment Contracts in Malaysia
- 01/26/21 - Dismissal of Parties’ Rejoinder – A Breach of Natural Justice?
- 01/23/21 - The Landlord’s Guide to Distress Actions
- 01/21/21 - The Corporate Vigilante: How Can I Take Legal Action for Wrongdoings Committed Against A Company?
- 01/19/21 - Honey, There’s A Squatter on Our Land! Squatters Rights in Malaysia & the Legal Remedies for Landowners
- 01/15/21 - Challenging Administrative Decisions – Ouster Clause to the Rescue
- 01/13/21 - Setting Aside a Judgment obtained by Fraud via Impeachment Proceedings: How Far is this Possible?
- 01/09/21 - Differences between Criminal & Civil Breach of Trust
- 01/07/21 - Duty of Care Owed By a Company Secretary
- 01/04/21 - Winding-Up a Company in 2021
- 01/03/21 - Enforcing Your Will
- 12/31/20 - Varying a Mareva Injunction (Part 2)
- 12/29/20 - Varying a Mareva Injunction (Part 1)
- 12/26/20 - Mareva Injunctions: Full and Frank Disclosure
- 12/24/20 - Moving Forward: Amendments to the Rules of Court 2012 in tandem with the Covid-19 pandemic
- 12/22/20 - When a Stay Order is Wrongfully Used as an Engine of Delay
- 12/20/20 - Unravelling the True Meaning of “the Interests of the Company” (Part 2)
- 12/17/20 - Unraveling the True Meaning of “The Interests of the Company” (Part 1)
- 12/15/20 - Judgment Debtor Summons: A Means towards Enforcing the Payment of Judgment Sums
- 12/13/20 - Who Gets Child Custody in a Divorce?
- 12/10/20 - The Only Time A ‘Conversion Therapy’ (For Your Court Action) Works
- 12/08/20 - Legal Advice Privilege – Should the ‘Dominant Purpose’ Approach Prevail?
- 12/05/20 - Abortion in Malaysia
- 12/03/20 - Directors’ Absolute Power to Inspect the Accounts and Records of a Company
- 12/01/20 - Defamation: The Media Defences of Reynolds’ Privilege and Neutral Reportage
- 11/28/20 - Personal Data Privacy in Malaysia: An Introduction
- 11/26/20 - The Shareholders’ Derivative Action: An Overview
- 11/21/20 - Can Property Agents Make Promises Not Contained in the SPA?
- 11/19/20 - Can You Ask the Court to Order Meeting When You Have Less Than 10%?
- 11/17/20 - What Happens When A Defamer Remain Anonymous?
- 11/15/20 - Broken Promises: Breaching a Shareholders Agreement in the context of an Oppression Action
- 11/12/20 - Better to be Safe than Sorry – Director’s Duty to Make Disclosure of Interest
- 11/10/20 - Pushing the Limit on Limitation (Part 1)
- 11/07/20 - Parental Advisory: Can Parents Be Held Liable for Their Children’s Acts or Conduct?
- 11/06/20 - The Nominee Director: Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea (Part 2)
- 11/03/20 - Corporate Personality from the eyes of Shari’ah.
- 10/31/20 - How the Court would Read Your Contract
- 10/29/20 - Landowners Beware: A Tale of Indefeasibility
- 10/27/20 - Just Desserts: Tale of Quantum Meruit
- 10/25/20 - It’s Time For An Intervention: Why People Apply to Become Parties to Existing Lawsuits
- 10/22/20 - Receivers & Managers: A 101
- 10/20/20 - The Nominee Director: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Part 1)
- 10/17/20 - Directorial Dysfunction: When You Can Remove Your Directors
- 10/15/20 - Employee’s Provident Fund Act 1991: Points & Pitfalls
- 10/13/20 - Directors’ Duties: The Proper Test for the Improper Purpose
- 10/10/20 - Schemes of Arrangement 101
- 10/07/20 - 7 Steps to Bring an Expert on board a Civil Suit
- 10/06/20 - Cash Is King: Good Practice for Cash Transactions
- 10/04/20 - Turquand’s Rule in Malaysia
- 10/01/20 - COVID-19: When Companies Go Viral
- 09/29/20 - Ditching the Dime: Whether the Non-Distribution of Dividends Constitute Oppression
- 09/26/20 - Determination of Preliminary Issue under Order 33 of the Rules of Court 2012 – Fact or Fiction?
- 09/24/20 - Third Party Proceedings: When Is It Too Late?
- 09/22/20 - Covid-19: A Class Action against Patient Zero
- 09/19/20 - The Rights of Mortgagors & Mortgagees : A Brief Comparison of the position in UK & Malaysia
- 09/17/20 - Kicking out the Big Boss: Can the Removal of Directors Constitute Oppression under S346 of the Companies Act 2016?
- 09/15/20 - Imputed Knowledge of Sleeping Directors: Can They Really Sleep and Say That They Don’t know?
- 09/12/20 - Post Winding-Up Examination: The Curtains Ring Down, What Next?
- 09/10/20 - Dishonest Assistance: Underdeveloped & Underrated
- 09/08/20 - Family Feud: Oppression in Family Companies
- 09/05/20 - Beware the Unregistered Property Agent
- 09/03/20 - No One Should Be The Judge in His Own Cause (Situations Where a Judge ought to Recuse Himself/Herself)
- 09/01/20 - Stay of Execution: Hitting the Pause Button on a Court Judgment
- 08/29/20 - Restrictions on The Enforcement of Monetary Judgment during The Twilight Zone
- 08/27/20 - The Verifying Affidavit in a Creditor’s Petition (The Disconnect between Personal and Corporate Insolvency)
- 08/25/20 - COVID-19 Bill 2020 – Protection Against Inability to Perform Contractual Obligations
- 08/15/20 - Malaysia’s Temporary COVID-19 Bill 2020 (A Personal Insolvency Perspective)
- 08/11/20 - Piercing the Corporate Veil in Employment Disputes
- 08/04/20 - The Position of Unsecured Creditors in Judicial Management Applications – Million Westlink Sdn Bhd v Maybank Investment Bank Bhd & Ors
- 07/30/20 - Signing a Contract on Behalf of the Company
- 07/28/20 - Termination of Liquidators’ Appointment
- 07/07/20 - Duties and Responsibilities of Auditors in relation to the Company’s Financial Statements and Accounting Records
- 06/16/20 - Construction Law Series No.2: Trust Issues with Retention Sum in the Times of COVID-19
- 06/11/20 - The Companies (Exemption) Order 2020: Is it exempted from Legal Challenge?
- 06/09/20 - In Days of Financial Hardship, Can Directors Take Loans From Their Company?
- 06/04/20 - That’s Unfair! – A Cautionary Tale on Judicial Comments
- 06/02/20 - A New Era of Online Hearings During a Pandemic
- 05/28/20 - A Director’s Liability: The Consequences of Turning a Blind Eye to the Wrongdoings of Others.
- 05/22/20 - The Coming Into Effect of Section 17A MACC Act on 1.6.2020
- 05/21/20 - Relation Back: Escaping Bankruptcy No More
- 05/18/20 - Necessity for Temporary Measures in Personal Insolvency (in light of COVID-19)
- 05/14/20 - Can the Government Sue for Defamation?
- 05/12/20 - What Directors Must Keep In Mind When Dealing with Substantial Assets - Section 223, Companies Act 2016
- 05/09/20 - Extension of Time, Loss & Expense and Its Notice Requirements - If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
- 05/07/20 - Circumstances in which a Director of a Company May Be Publicly Examined in Court
- 05/05/20 - Bankruptcy 101: An Overview of the Process
- 05/03/20 - The De Facto Director
- 04/30/20 - Estate Planning Series: How One Will Kicked Off a Baby Arms Race
- 04/28/20 - How Much is Your Life Worth? (A Brief Analysis of Dependency Claims in Malaysia)
- 04/25/20 - Recoverability of Liquidated Ascertained Damages Clauses in Construction Contracts -The Paradigm Shift in Judicial Attitude
- 04/23/20 - Legal Update: Winding Up Notice of Demand Period Extended to 6 Months – The Companies (Exemption) Order 2020
- 04/23/20 - Oppression Part 2: Who Can File for Oppression? Gue See Sew v Heng Tan Hai
- 04/21/20 - The Challenges of WhatsApp Evidence at Trial
- 04/18/20 - The CVA Scheme and How it Compares to Other Corporate Rescue Mechanisms
- 04/16/20 - How Business Owners Can Navigate Through The Winding-Up Process
- 04/15/20 - Is COVID-19 or The Movement Control Order (“MCO”) A Force Majeure Event in Construction Contract?
- 04/14/20 - The Fake News Pandemic?
- 04/14/20 - Industrial Court Award, The Final Frontier?
- 04/12/20 - FAQ on Tenancy Agreements During COVID-19
- 04/12/20 - FAQ on Friendly Loan Agreements
- 04/11/20 - Legal Alert: Temporary Measures Announced by The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
- 04/11/20 - Execution: The Joint Ownership Predicament
- 04/09/20 - Help ! Help ! I’m Being Oppressed? What Counts as Oppression of Minority Shareholders?
- 04/07/20 - COVID-19 Estate Planning Series: Should I make a Will?
- 04/02/20 - Can You be Sued for Derogatory Remarks made via Instant Messaging Apps?
- 03/31/20 - Strata Properties Managers – What are their Duties and Powers?
- 03/30/20 - Qualifying as A Licensed Liquidator
- 03/28/20 - The Statutory Moratorium under The Judicial Management Scheme
- 03/26/20 - Registering a Foreign Judgment under The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958
- 03/24/20 - [UPDATE] Comptroller of State Sales Tax, Sarawak & 1 other v Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas)
- 03/19/20 - To Caveat or Not to Caveat for What is a ‘Caveatable Interest’?
- 03/18/20 - Overcoming Void Dispositions under Section 472 of the Companies Act 2016
- 03/17/20 - What Happens to Contractual Obligations During COVID-19?
- 03/16/20 - The Applicability of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 in relation to the spread of COVID-19.
- 01/15/20 - Legal Action For or Against a Bankrupt
- 01/09/20 - [UPDATE] Case of TNB v Bukit Lenang Development Sdn Bhd
- 11/05/19 - Liquidators - How Do They Get Paid?
- 10/23/19 - Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (“CIPAA 2012”) is PROSPECTIVE!
- 10/10/19 - Liquidated Ascertained Damages for Late Delivery of Property
- 10/08/19 - Court Appointed Liquidators
- 10/01/19 - Importance of a Bankrupt to honour agreed payments & file monthly returns
- 10/01/19 - Debt Recovery: Different ways to achieve payment for debts due & owing
- 09/25/19 - Medical Negligence Claims – What You Need to Know
- 09/21/19 - Distinction between 'Days' & 'Clear Days' in the Companies Act 2016
- 09/19/19 - Is All Lost for a Creditor when a Company is Wound Up?
- 09/15/19 - Navigating the Winding Up Process
- 09/12/19 - 5 Common Clauses required in your Shareholder Agreement
- 08/19/19 - When can a Liquidator get paid?
- 07/09/19 - Key Highlights of the Companies Amendment Bill 2019
- 05/13/19 - The Case of Rajamani
- 05/10/19 - 101 on Proxy in Company General Meetings
- 05/07/19 - Illegitimacy and Inheritance in Malaysia: Two Cautionary Tales
- 05/02/19 - Orang Asli Customary Land Rights
- 04/25/19 - Can a Directors’ Meeting without an Agenda be Valid?
- 04/22/19 - Retention Sum in Construction Contracts
- 04/18/19 - Time for a Time Limit on EPF Lawsuits
- 04/16/19 - The Effect of Section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950 on Internet Publications
- 04/10/19 - Latest Decision by a Nine-Member Bench of the Federal Court
- 04/06/19 - Avoiding Partial Intestacy
- 03/28/19 - Directors can land in prison for failing to carry out basic duties
- 03/27/19 - Mental Health Act 2001 - Life after being Declared as Mentally Disordered
- 03/20/19 - Interim Receivers in Company Law
- 03/14/19 - Parties to be named in Winding Up Petitions under Section 465(1)(f) (1)(h) of the Companies Act, 2016
- 03/09/19 - Judicial Management in Malaysia
- 03/01/19 - Judicial Management - The Case of CIMB Islamic v Wellcom Communications
- 02/18/19 - Publicising a Police Report, At Your Own Risk
- 02/13/19 - What You Need To Know About Homebuyer’s Tribunal
- 02/04/19 - Mental Health Act 2001 – Safeguarding the Welfare of the Mentally Disordered
- 01/31/19 - Would Financial Impecuniosity be Considered in Committal Proceedings? And to What Extent?
- 01/24/19 - The case of Cubic Electronics: Do actual losses need to be proven for compensation?
- 11/26/18 - Left Out of a Will? Here’s What You Can Possibly Do
- 11/13/18 - Saving Private Nuisance
- 11/07/18 - Does the failure by a party to pay costs in an arbitration amount to a material breach of the arbitration agreement?
- 11/01/18 - Tenaga Nasional Berhad v Bukit Lenang Development Sdn Bhd - An electrifying decision
- 10/25/18 - Award of Damages in Defamation Actions
- 10/01/18 - 101 on Land Acquisition in Malaysia
- 09/27/18 - Public Authority can now sue for Defamation. What’s Next?
- 09/27/18 - Animal Cruelty: Are We Doing Enough?
- 09/07/18 - Retracting a Police Report: How Consent Order plays a role
- 09/04/18 - Key takeaways from AGC’s decision to withdraw charges against Lim Guan Eng
- 08/30/18 - Share Valuation for Oppressed Minority Shareholder
- 08/30/18 - Chatime-Tealive dispute settled out of court
- 08/28/18 - Nine-member Federal Court bench convenes for first time
- 08/08/18 - Final Report on MH370
- 07/19/18 - A Note on Withdrawal of a Civil Suit
- 05/08/18 - Notes on the Arbitration Amendment (No. 2) Act 2018
- 08/27/13 - Civil Fraud - A drastic revision of the standard of proof required.
- 09/27/12 - Reynolds’ Privilege and Lucas Box
- 08/28/12 - Divorce Mediation
- 08/28/12 - Divorce & Matrimonial Law FAQs